Motivating future nursing students
The State of the World’s Nursing report and the ICN Ageing Well report show that the world is facing a shortage of at least ten million nurses over the next decade, so it is vital that existing nurses stay in their jobs, and that a new generation can be attracted into the profession. An ICN report published in April 2021 on Nursing education and the emerging nursing workforce in the COVID-19 pandemic showed that the COVID Effect is delaying nursing students being able to finish their courses, which is slowing down the supply of newly qualified nurses by between six and 12 months. It is also disrupting essential professional development education/ training for qualified nurses, which they need to be able to keep up to date with the latest practice.
In India, an initiative is underway to motivate and inspire nursing students to maintain students’ mental health; address future career prospects; ensure quality nursing education: and to ensure their voice is being heard. The initiative aims to include technological advancements and artificial intelligence in the improvement of existing educational institutions; to acknowledge and include student’s perspective in the formulation of policies; and establish appropriate career opportunities with proper wages so that students can see themselves thriving in this profession in the future.
This motivational campaign also aims to attract the attention of the media and local government by using city wide rallies to promote the nursing profession and call for the transformation of the nursing profession and its educational system.